Two days removed from yet another boozin'. Big fun people, big fun. I remember a couple of extra cameras at the crawl. However the booze and the memory got into a domestic dispute inside my brain. The memories had to move out for a little while. So if you where one of those people with a camera call or email me. I'd like to get a copy of the pics.
Thanks for the awesome time at our last Boozing! We will miss you all bunches!! Anytime ya'll are in southern CA, come see us!
Awesome amount of boobie shots!! Kudos!
yes, boobs!
Must have more boobs!
How about boobs and booze instead of chicken and booze? Or wangs and booze whatever gets you moving in the morning. You got to hang up your hang ups zelda you only live once. Cept for Buddhas and Hindus I think, got some kind of reintarnation deal. Tho it might be awhile till you are human again, caveat emptor.
Sorry I missed it. Looked like fun. I'll be back in September. When and where. I must know. Please C&B I must know.
You all are so awesome....Thanks for the memories page!! Chicken and Booze 4 Ever!
I feel like chicken tonight.
I feel like boobs tonight.
booze boobs so similar. Yet why does it take so much booze to unleash the power of boobs. Could it be the sharing of threebles? One may never know. Why am I up this early? Oh yes Booze!
The power of the boobs is mighty.
knobs,protuberinces,mounds,mountains,a place for my mouth, milkies, life savers, flotation devices, chest hams, udders, tatas, zoombas, goombas,baby feeders, "why dont you look at my eyes?", cock cleaners, and of course the girls.
chest hams? I love it!!!
It's come to my attention that the powers that be which run C&B, are having a hard time coming to an agreement on the date for the next great boozening. Most of the debate revolves around conflicts in personal schedules which are completely non-booze related.
For shame mighty high council.
Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize!!
You used to be about the booze!!!
I feel like I don't know you anymore.
Do it for the boobs, booze, and the booze. And to a lesser extent, the chicken.
Do not forsake the Trinity.
Do not deceive yourselves.
Your vices will not let you rest until you embrace your true calling.
By demons be driven
(and by demons I mean booze)
Woe! Woe! Fucking Woe!!!!!!!!!
I was just perusing old blog postings and almost vomited at one of the blasphemous postings.
Bag Booze for Anna Nalick, rationalized by preserving brain cells. I've never been an advocate for censorship but this kind of treasonous ballyhoo makes me want to reconsider. There are just so many things wrong with this posting. First of all, keep the high-brow, personal enlightenment, self-help, cultural betterment rhetoric off of this blog. It just doesn't fit the agenda. This site is better suited for nonsensical renderings and idle chatter intended for entertainment purposes only.
Not to mention the audacity of the perpetrator to try to lure booze hounds to another event on the same evening.
I hope this was just a poor, misguided attempt at humor.
Otherwise, it would behoove the author of this blog entry to remain anonymous.
More booze!
Booze me Biatch!
Next Booze??
Who's that chick in front of Larry Lover. She's the bee's knees!!!!!!!!
Somebody get granpa away from the computer. bees knees? We had a gay time at the flaxing bee. Rye and mead were plentiful. I may have spied Annabeths ankle during the hoop roll, it gave me such a shiver I had to go home and apply a poultice.
Take it easy there Abe Simpson!
Much to my chagrin, there doesnt appear to be a booze in September. Yet I shall not be daunted or undaunted whatever the correct usage may be. For an inspiration came to me last evening. Chiken and Booooze for October. Ya see how I doubled the number of 'o's in booze? It is a wicked cool reference to Halloween and all things scary and campy. O lets not forget satan, she would be pissed if I didnt make a mention concerning all hallows eve. One thought would be to dress up in your assorted alter egos and go out on the 7th or 14th. Thus eliciting confused stares from bar patrons. "Do they know Halloween is 2,3 weeks away? on a Tuesday?" A happy laugh would be had by all or just a few. It really wouldnt matter with the booze. Cause you gots to understand people, it is about the booze. and the chicken. Pick Flick.
Sniff Sniff....Ed and I are leaving in a few short days. Thanks for the memories and funny ass pictures!! Peace out, Homepies!
Where o where has my booze gone? Withdrawl symptoms I have. Yoda like speaking I am. Good blow this is. Where the hell did that fucko come from? Is there a planet of yodas. It may be an irradiated ewookie. The bastard child of an ewok and a wookie concieved in a tractor beam chamber. Those little freaks will do it anywhere. You see where my mind goes without booze? Uncomfortable places in the heart. Why has my booze forsaken me? Why do they call it earthenware cooking pots? Its all from the earth fucko. I dont see corning on the moon makin pans. Must have booze. End my torment! October booze is not optional, you either booze this or we have a problem. Slap!
Where o where has my booze gone? Withdrawl symptoms I have. Yoda like speaking I am. Good blow this is. Where the hell did that fucko come from? Is there a planet of yodas. It may be an irradiated ewookie. The bastard child of an ewok and a wookie concieved in a tractor beam chamber. Those little freaks will do it anywhere. You see where my mind goes without booze? Uncomfortable places in the heart. Why has my booze forsaken me? Why do they call it earthenware cooking pots? Its all from the earth fucko. I dont see corning on the moon makin pans. Must have booze. End my torment! October booze is not optional, you either booze this or we have a problem. Slap!
Must have october booze. The crisp fall air. The warmth of booze in your belly telling that crispness to go fuck itself. I like my air dull and round. It is easier to breathe that way. I may have cut my uvula on some crisp air last december. The waves of booze that emenate from your mouth hole takes the crispness right out of any said air. And makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. Its true! Booze does so many things for us and what do we give it? Over half of our liver function(according to some quack I'll never go back to), nay, we must honor booze with the respect of another crawl, and another after that, and so on. I seek not new and oh so adventurous bars. I'll go to the same bars I may frequent on any other morning. I reccommend a return to Jerrys Jug House. Cuz I love jugs. and booze.
We must not relent in the pursuit of booze! Apathy is the teetotalers most insidious weapon. Do not fall prey to its trumped up warnings of cirrhosis or any other made up words. Seriously is that even a word? I can do better than that just randomly punching keys ,portmanteau, see!? Im sure that has no meaning, but just in case dont try to look it up in the word book. I also propose fewer bars in the next booze with an alteration in the 'one and done' theme. If a place isnt a complete craphole how bout two and done or so on. Or one and one shot and done. That'll probably fit on a t-shirt.
Yabba dabba do. October booze!!!!
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