Is that Dean? Is he seeing his own future? Is he gonna be alright? Is this just a Christmas Carol type picture of Dean in the alley. Is there still time for him to change his ways and not be come a naked drunken Santa soiled with bum urine. Tell me there is still time Ghost of Chicken&Booze future. Tell me there is still time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hear rumblings that my beloved C&B may be taken out of comission. This is heresey or hershey or herasey or whatever spelling forbodes evil incarnate. Now some of you may be tired of the same pattern of drink move repeat. While I dont share your turn towards the anti booze, I can understand the position. I propose a hiatus in booze until spring type weather. Of course after the Northside booze. Lets reconvene in the warmth of cherry blossoms and tequila sunrises. Or at the possible 2cd annual golf outing. But for petes sake and the bees knees dont give up on booze, if you set booze free and it comes back to you, its true booze.
I hear rumblings that my beloved C&B may be taken out of comission. This is heresey or hershey or herasey or whatever spelling forbodes evil incarnate. Now some of you may be tired of the same pattern of drink move repeat. While I dont share your turn towards the anti booze, I can understand the position. I propose a hiatus in booze until spring type weather. Of course after the Northside booze. Lets reconvene in the warmth of cherry blossoms and tequila sunrises. Or at the possible 2cd annual golf outing. But for petes sake and the bees knees dont give up on booze, if you set booze free and it comes back to you, its true booze.
Ok guys...if there is to be no more Chicken and Booze...y'all have to get together for another crawl in July! Dammit, we'll be in Cincinnati and we wanna booze!
I'm going through Chicken & Booze withdrawals. I had high hopes of a boozing next Saturday...but, now I see on our website that the date is TBD...Our fearless leaders--please let us have a boozing soon!!!!
What is TBD? Total Booze Denial? I know the sheen may have faded from our Chicken an Booze but do not abandon hope. Booze will and always be undeniable. Sweet booze may hibernate through these cold winter months only to awaken similar to some bird or plant matter. I implore all three of you whom read this blog to peruse not only the latest picture catalogue but all of them. I feel you will find yourself and others around you warmed by said boozy memories. Just the thing in freezing weather. So take a virtual or more so a mental trip down booze lane and ask yourself,shouldnt I be taken a real trip down booze lane? What about booze street? Booze would provide even a cul-de-sac so you wouldnt lose your way. Booze would do nearly anything for you. Keep booze strong in your thoughts because you are in boozes dreamy haze. May the booze be with you. Long live booze. To our Francophiles out there, Vive le booze!
For years I have wondered why Febrooairy is so short. Now the reason is revealed, to hasten the next installment of sweet booze. Less than thirty days seperate boozophiles with that fateful day/night. For those of you feigning(sp) disintrest in booze, let this gap between boozings fortify your resolve. That even when the days seem dark and seasonal daylight disorder dampens your mood to booze, power through and booze. There may be a day in your future when booze is unavailible, say after an accident leaves you in extended traction. But they dont really do that anymore do they? Put you in casts and hook you up to weights and pulleys? If that does happen, tell me or someone with a camera so it may be recorded for posterity. I apologize for any spelling errors, my fingers are in traction.
I'm glad that the hierarchy of everything booze has finally been restored to its senses. For anyone to think the unthinkable, i.e. cancelling any further crawls, this is just simply preposterous. You don't know how blessed you are to have such a wonderful group of booze hounds who are willing to congregate for the sake of sweet enebriation. Don't take this lightly my friends. You have been given a great gift that should be nurtured, not merely treated like a one night stand so quickly dismissed. These are the good ol' days, my friends, don't let that die. I'd rather be living the good ol' days than talking about them like a pathetic drunk with no purpose. Don't squander our talents. This booze won't drink itself!!!!
To hear the voice of reason from the above chickennipple is like a cool drink of booze after a long sojourn in the most unhospitable of deserts. I will not elaborate at this time of another testament of booze cherishing as SCN has so eloquently stated. Heed the message my friends, heed indeed. I will see all of you in a month. And then proceed to booze until all are a fuzzy conglomerate of amorphous shapes.
Who thinks the SCN needs to think seriously about doing the steps. One who takes the time to write Tolstoyesque postings, talk about pub crawls weeks in advance, masterbates in the shower over the upcoming boozefest, and sits around rekindling the boozefests of ago, is greatly disturbed. Maybe the March 3 boozing should also be an intervention for the SCN. Lets us force the SCN to see his "issues", get down on his knees to beg forgiveness, have him take a Grey Goose and tonic and pour it over his head to cleanse himself of all evils, and vow never to partake in booze again. The first step is always the hardest.
I propose hereforeto referring to dildos as Didos. Just like the former pop singer. Its only one letter removed. "Hey I finally found what was causing that smell in my rec room, it was an old Dido under the couch"
I had an uncle, two first cousins, a second cousin and assorted unrecognized rodents killed by lightning in the summer of 83. It can happen to you too! Of course this was the white kind of lightning and it was sort of an accident from trying to increase the yield by adding kerosene to the boiler.
I just don't even know what I can say about that!!!!
Is that Dean? Is he seeing his own future? Is he gonna be alright? Is this just a Christmas Carol type picture of Dean in the alley. Is there still time for him to change his ways and not be come a naked drunken Santa soiled with bum urine. Tell me there is still time Ghost of Chicken&Booze future. Tell me there is still time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over 10,000 hits to the website. I love chicken and booze.
I hear rumblings that my beloved C&B may be taken out of comission. This is heresey or hershey or herasey or whatever spelling forbodes evil incarnate. Now some of you may be tired of the same pattern of drink move repeat. While I dont share your turn towards the anti booze, I can understand the position. I propose a hiatus in booze until spring type weather. Of course after the Northside booze. Lets reconvene in the warmth of cherry blossoms and tequila sunrises. Or at the possible 2cd annual golf outing. But for petes sake and the bees knees dont give up on booze, if you set booze free and it comes back to you, its true booze.
I hear rumblings that my beloved C&B may be taken out of comission. This is heresey or hershey or herasey or whatever spelling forbodes evil incarnate. Now some of you may be tired of the same pattern of drink move repeat. While I dont share your turn towards the anti booze, I can understand the position. I propose a hiatus in booze until spring type weather. Of course after the Northside booze. Lets reconvene in the warmth of cherry blossoms and tequila sunrises. Or at the possible 2cd annual golf outing. But for petes sake and the bees knees dont give up on booze, if you set booze free and it comes back to you, its true booze.
Ok guys...if there is to be no more Chicken and Booze...y'all have to get together for another crawl in July! Dammit, we'll be in Cincinnati and we wanna booze!
I'm going through Chicken & Booze withdrawals. I had high hopes of a boozing next Saturday...but, now I see on our website that the date is TBD...Our fearless leaders--please let us have a boozing soon!!!!
What is TBD? Total Booze Denial? I know the sheen may have faded from our Chicken an Booze but do not abandon hope. Booze will and always be undeniable. Sweet booze may hibernate through these cold winter months only to awaken similar to some bird or plant matter. I implore all three of you whom read this blog to peruse not only the latest picture catalogue but all of them. I feel you will find yourself and others around you warmed by said boozy memories. Just the thing in freezing weather. So take a virtual or more so a mental trip down booze lane and ask yourself,shouldnt I be taken a real trip down booze lane? What about booze street? Booze would provide even a cul-de-sac so you wouldnt lose your way. Booze would do nearly anything for you. Keep booze strong in your thoughts because you are in boozes dreamy haze. May the booze be with you. Long live booze. To our Francophiles out there, Vive le booze!
What is this!!!!! Movement, possiblity of boozin'!!!! March '07!!!! Yes yes yes!!!!
Love the Steelers cap!
For years I have wondered why Febrooairy is so short. Now the reason is revealed, to hasten the next installment of sweet booze. Less than thirty days seperate boozophiles with that fateful day/night. For those of you feigning(sp) disintrest in booze, let this gap between boozings fortify your resolve. That even when the days seem dark and seasonal daylight disorder dampens your mood to booze, power through and booze. There may be a day in your future when booze is unavailible, say after an accident leaves you in extended traction. But they dont really do that anymore do they? Put you in casts and hook you up to weights and pulleys? If that does happen, tell me or someone with a camera so it may be recorded for posterity. I apologize for any spelling errors, my fingers are in traction.
Oh, your god!!!!!!!
I'm glad that the hierarchy of everything booze has finally been restored to its senses.
For anyone to think the unthinkable, i.e. cancelling any further crawls, this is just simply preposterous. You don't know how blessed you are to have such a wonderful group of booze hounds who are willing to congregate for the sake of sweet enebriation. Don't take this lightly my friends. You have been given a great gift that should be nurtured, not merely treated like a one night stand so quickly dismissed.
These are the good ol' days, my friends, don't let that die. I'd rather be living the good ol' days than talking about them like a pathetic drunk with no purpose.
Don't squander our talents.
This booze won't drink itself!!!!
To hear the voice of reason from the above chickennipple is like a cool drink of booze after a long sojourn in the most unhospitable of deserts. I will not elaborate at this time of another testament of booze cherishing as SCN has so eloquently stated. Heed the message my friends, heed indeed. I will see all of you in a month. And then proceed to booze until all are a fuzzy conglomerate of amorphous shapes.
Who thinks the SCN needs to think seriously about doing the steps. One who takes the time to write Tolstoyesque postings, talk about pub crawls weeks in advance, masterbates in the shower over the upcoming boozefest, and sits around rekindling the boozefests of ago, is greatly disturbed. Maybe the March 3 boozing should also be an intervention for the SCN. Lets us force the SCN to see his "issues", get down on his knees to beg forgiveness, have him take a Grey Goose and tonic and pour it over his head to cleanse himself of all evils, and vow never to partake in booze again. The first step is always the hardest.
I joined a twelve step program.
They said I needed thirteen!
There's no hope for the Nipple.
But, you know, I kinda like it that way.
Holla! That's so hot.
I propose hereforeto referring to dildos as Didos. Just like the former pop singer. Its only one letter removed. "Hey I finally found what was causing that smell in my rec room, it was an old Dido under the couch"
Booze anyone? Me needy boozy.
Did you hear? Tommy Morrison no longer has AIDS.
One week to booze. One weak to booze. One week two booze. Won weak too booze. OK that last one made no sense but the point has been made.
Can we have a bonfire in the park across from 5th Amendment?
There is a lunar eclipse tommorrow, the drunk girl is in the ground, and Wednesday is chained to a radiator...All is right for boozin.
Hello compatriots,
You'd better get your sippy cups ready! The time is nigh.
Not a sober sod will be tolerated.
Don your aqualung.
See you in the bog!!
I had an uncle, two first cousins, a second cousin and assorted unrecognized rodents killed by lightning in the summer of 83. It can happen to you too! Of course this was the white kind of lightning and it was sort of an accident from trying to increase the yield by adding kerosene to the boiler.
WTF is with lightning and cousins?
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