Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hungry Hungry Hippos!!!!!!!!

Did you know that the Hippopotamus kills more people in Africa than Lions, Tigers and Crocodiles combined!!! Fascinating isn't it.

Did you know that the 3rd Annual Chicken and Booze Classic is September 13th!!! Equally Fascinating.

Did you know that I couldn't spell Hippopotamus with out the spell checker. Not nearly as fascinating, but accurate.
Now back to this golf outing thingy.

Do you suck at golf? Good, then we want you for the 3rd annual C&B Classic. This is THE golf outing for people who don't golf.

The Date, but very little else has been set. September 13th, 2008. Probably a 1:30pm Shotgun Start.

This year we are moving again!
We are playing at Reeves Golf Course, by Lunken Airfeild.

Time, Fees and all the rest of the stuff is yet to be determined.

We need help putting this specatcle together. Interested in helping a little or a lot, please contact Dean ASAP. 859.393.8603.
Last year's outing raised $15,000 for the Autism Society of Greater Cincy.
That money was raised through the very hard work of a few people. We could use more volunteers this year to lighten the load on some of the returning volunteers. Come on, do something good for your fellow man.
More to info to come soon.

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