Thanks to everyone for who golfed, volunteered, sang in the band, bought all the stuff, participated in the hootanny, drank the booze, ate the chicken, and had a rockin good time. We're finishing up the accounting part of the outing tonight. It looks as if we will raise well over $6000 to donate to the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati. Not too shabby for a bunch of boozehounds. Hope everyone had as good of a time as I did, and see you all next year. If you have any cameras from the course please contact me ASAP. I will start on the website update tonight, trying to get all the pictures. If you have any pictures from your personal camera and would like to share them email to me at dhoerlein@verstgroup.com
Only 2 people passed out. I would have excepted more out of the C&B crowd. Who won the outing? Who drank the most booze? How was the after party?
Sorry I missed it, please fill me in.
I had fun.
Thanks to D S & L for putting it on and raising so much money for a worthy cause... and thanks to all the golfers/drinkers/volunteers!
The 24th is the next booze? Thats Pearl Jam! I propose that the world(which includes chicken and booze) revolve around me. The previous weekend is the only acceptable date.
selfish bastard
I vote for the weekend before the 24th too! The sooner the better, especially for us losers that didn't get to make it to the golf event.
Blonde hot chickie won't be able to make it on the 24th....should do it the weekend before.
Most everyone I talk to agrees the 17th would work better.
Does anyone know Most Everyone? Who is he/she?
I know this may go against the title of this benevolent institution, but how about booze(17th) and THEN chicken(19th)? Think of it, succulent fried tiny dinosaurs after a heavy boozing on saturday? Along with some flakey biscuits and gravy to fortify you thru the week. If you think that is going to stay with you from monday until saturday I think you are mistaken. Have you seen the Bengals schedule this year? Fuck me in the goat ass!
I have grown weary of people using air quotes to make their point. I propose instead of the classic finger wiggle at the speakers shoulder level, you should grab the nearest persons chest. This is an equal opportunity switch. No boundaries on sex, race, creed, Scott Stapp, or religion. Except the Amish they are a little weird about it. So all you boozers out there make the switch. I know some of you that won't even need the excuse of booze to initiate this. How many participlarry dangles were there in this paragraph here?
Who-ho hree looo piggin on pillow made of concrete..again. Ho-ho sree soo sama nima namo me memeno! yea. This and many other unintelligible mutterings will I be hearing on June 24th. Come to think of it, it will probably not be too different from the booze tour. Cept with less change in the scenery. Here's to Eddie coming down with strep for the show so that I may join in the frivolities.
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