If anyone had anymore pictures from the Mt Adams pub crawl let me know dean@chickenandbooze.com . Thanks Jen and Deb for your pictures. Website update on Tuesday. Momma was drunk and lost the notebook, if anyone has any comments on the evening, bars, and drunkness leave it on the blogger or email Dean so the website can be updated.
Wasn't there but looks like you all had fun. See you in July
Good:first beer of the day
Bad: first beer of the day
Blind Melon(basement place?)
Good: cute tender with giant tatt on her nape
Bad: bathroom smaller than my closet
Mt Adams Bar and Grill
Good:Stuffed ibex or gnu head on wall
Bad:Creepy memory of grammas stuffed cat
Wine Cellar
Good:prompt service,attitude
Bad: No Crout A'Illaise 1986 buncha hillbilly fucks
Monks Cove
Good: Finally a dive
Bad: Dives are too small
A lack of a proper supper and the ever increasing booze made six-nine indistinguishable until we hit the rat warren known as Pavilion. Where the hell was the bathroom? I peed outside. Take that MtAdams. All in all tremendous revelrie looked to be had by all. Hail Chicken and Booze!
Could there be a better time that what I had with all my fellow boozers? I enjoyed every drunken conversation, every groping done in drunken innocence, every moment dancing sweatily (and probably poorly), every shot, every stumble to the bathroom....it was fuckin' awesome!
So we have 35 bars to go? Be still my shriveled liver.
ibex? I'm gonna have to look that up!
I believe it is a cross between a bjork and a whistle pig
Does the chicken and booze store carry flak jackets? I would hate for a little thing like a bullet riddled thorax to put a damper on my boozing. Downtown! Where all the ho's are at, Downtown! dont forget to bring your gat, Downtown! Its all here waiting for yo-u!
I request a bus or other sort of mass transit to cart all of we boozers around downtown. Live music on the bus would be appreciated as well. Preferably bluegrass or wall era german industrial rock. Can we all climb the periwinkle bridge as bar #11? Its safe with tethers and all. Someone must inform me if Hudy Delite is available at any bar. Cant get enought of that golden swill. Did you ever notice that wheat chex is neither wheat nor chex? Forgive the ramble, it is almost three and I've yet to have my first booze.
The boozer awoke before noon, he put his pants on. He took a booze from the ancient fridge and he walked on down the hall. He paid a visit to his bookie and he walked on down the hall. "Chicken? 'Yes son' I want to eat you, Booze, I want to drink you!!!" The booze bus is calling us, ride the bus.
There once was a great, stout oak which stood on the south border of the mighty Ohio river. The majestic tree was always pleased when a certain young man would visit every other fortnight to share his deepest fears, desires, and secrets. Now, the oak had seen many generations of man come and go and had gained great wisdom over the years and was only too happy to share his knowledge with his inquisitive pupil. One night the man came to the oak with this query, "I have sat at many wonderful bars, drinking until the small hours, only to have my hind quarters go numb during the course of my imbibement, can you offer a solution?" The oak was saddened to hear of his friend's predicament and made this decision.
"My son, I have far too many limbs than I really care to look after. Take some of my larger branches and fasten yourself the most exquisite bar stool that anyone has ever seen. Your circulation will not hinder you again while you quench your thirst."
The man was very appreciative and all his cohorts were envious of his beautiful bar stool, and soon
they all would also have to have similar grandiose chairs made from the generous oak. And the tree was happy.
A few months passed and the man again returned to the tree, this time with a larger problem. "When my friends and I play boo-ray on Tuesday nights, the table we use is worn and collapsing from the weight of the beer mugs and bottles that it must support."
Without flinching the tree offered,
"Use part of my strong trunk to build a durable table that will withstand infinite nights of all night poker playing." The man was overjoyed and began work on his new table immediately. The table brought the man many hours of contentment and the tree was happy.
Again, the man returned, and once again he had a request of the great oak. "When I entertain my peers on occasion, I feel that I could use a nice bar at which my guests can relax and enjoy their favorite drinks." The tree knew that there was not much left of his once glorious stature, but there was just enough remaining to build a regal, english style bar in his friend's rec room. The man spent many proud evenings entertaining his friends and family members at his new pub. The tree was happy for the man.
Finally, the man returned to visit the tree and was saddened to see that the once stout oak had been reduced to nothing more than a stump. The tree, however, was not sad and said, "Come, friend, have a seat on my stump and rest your tired feet."
The man remained quiet, and reflected on the years he had known the tree and how the tree had helped him in his times of need. Then with careful consideration he replied,
"I can't believe I've been talking to a tree! I'm gettin' my thirsty ass to chicken & booze!!!!"
Arrggghh....Why does it seem like so long between boozings? Holla if ya hear me!
What's up with biting off The Giving Tree? Too funny y'all!
Hey can we go to Rays Boom Boom Room? I hear its super cool. Afterward we can have a bonfire at the Banks.
I saw the Auxillary Booze listed on the website at Vic's on the 5th! I vote that from here on, we have monthly auxillary Boozes--the more drinking times, the better! Vic--for those losers (like me) who can't make it to the Cincinnati Booze this Saturday, how are we going to obtain directions to your Palatial Estate? Maybe talk to the Email Supplier (aka Dean) and have him email it to us. (Since I think it may be a little risky posting that confidential info on the website!!)
We may have a international visitor at booze. Flying in from the neutral confines of Switzerland just for booze! Well maybe for other stuff too. But Chicken and Booze around the world mutha fucka.
Sweet, maybe the Swiss can help keep us on the rigid time schedule. Chicken -n- Booze Swatches for everyone or maybe Swiss army knives for downtown protection. I hope they come bearing gifts.
Some rules:
1. No passing out at inconvenient times.
2. No puking.
That is all. Everything else is acceptable and probably encouraged.
Question: If I have to reverse chow to keep from passing out and am still able to imbibe afterwards, is that acceptable?
Hmmm....as long as the reversal is private and therefore not seen by others....and you chew some gum...maybe so.
I want a Swatch!! I haven't had one since the 6th grade.
Boozin, boozin, boozin...Get them boozers boozin!
Boozin, boozin, boozin...Get them boozers boozin!
Y'all some crazy mo fo's! I never had my ass grabbed so much in one night, by both sexes mind you. It was fantastic!
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