Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Golf Outing Post #1

Golf Outing Information:
The 3rd Annual Chicken & Booze Classic - Benefiting the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati will be held:
September 13th 1:30 pm Reeves Golf course, Lunken Airport
$95 Golfer, Includes, Booze, Golf, Booze, Food, Booze, Live Entertainment, Dead Entertainment, Booze, Check the Website for more Details but not until Tuesday night.
Speaking of Details... We need help with the Details. Here comes the part of the email where I grovel for help.
grovel [grov-el]
1. to behave excessively humbly towards someone, esp. a superior, in an attempt to win his or her favor
And let the Groveling Commence!
We are having a couple of volunteer meetings this week.
Please let me know if you can attend either meeting. If you can't attend this week, but still would like to help out, don't fret! There is plenty to do. 859.393.8603
Tuesday July 22nd at Hoggy's in Crestview Hills @ 7:15
Thursday July 24th at Hyde Park Tavern @ 7:30 on the Patio
Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. Even if you only have a couple of hours to spare between now and Sept 13th we can find something for you to do.
We are in search of sponsors big and small. Raffle Items, Auction Items, Gift certificates, Hole Sponsors. Any type of donation is welcome. If you, or your company, may be interested in sponsoring this year's epic event please let me know ASAP. Last year's outing generated a $15,000 donation to the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati. Visit their website to see how your time, effort, and booze money benefits a very worthy cause.
Please, please, please, please and please.
The Groveling has now ceased.
Thanks and you'll hear from me soon.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hungry Hungry Hippos!!!!!!!!

Did you know that the Hippopotamus kills more people in Africa than Lions, Tigers and Crocodiles combined!!! Fascinating isn't it.

Did you know that the 3rd Annual Chicken and Booze Classic is September 13th!!! Equally Fascinating.

Did you know that I couldn't spell Hippopotamus with out the spell checker. Not nearly as fascinating, but accurate.
Now back to this golf outing thingy.

Do you suck at golf? Good, then we want you for the 3rd annual C&B Classic. This is THE golf outing for people who don't golf.

The Date, but very little else has been set. September 13th, 2008. Probably a 1:30pm Shotgun Start.

This year we are moving again!
We are playing at Reeves Golf Course, by Lunken Airfeild.

Time, Fees and all the rest of the stuff is yet to be determined.

We need help putting this specatcle together. Interested in helping a little or a lot, please contact Dean ASAP. 859.393.8603.
Last year's outing raised $15,000 for the Autism Society of Greater Cincy.
That money was raised through the very hard work of a few people. We could use more volunteers this year to lighten the load on some of the returning volunteers. Come on, do something good for your fellow man.
More to info to come soon.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Big Billy Bingo won by Team Ling-Ling

In the first ever game of Big Billy Bingo, Team Ling-Ling dominated the field with 24 of 25 squares in less than an hour. Lynn, Amanda, Stacie and Anna posted the impressive score, then celebrated by 1st rolling around in their tens of dollars, and then recklessly firing shotgun shells into the air.

"We was pretty much shittin in high cotton out thar t'nite." said Lynn. "T'was like shootin fish in a barrell."

Second place with 19 squares went to Kate and Mary Ann despite being a couple of team members short.

When asked about her missing teammates Mary Ann said, "Jenny and Drew got hung up touring the Redman tobacco factory, Jenny swallowed a bit too much tobaccy juice and got a little sick. They be alright next time and were coming after them thar champs."

Kate added, "Yup, I knew we were gonna have a good showing tonight. Last night, I had an awesome dream about Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard. I didn't know that hill-jack was into such freaky shit."

3rd place money went to new comers to Chicken & Booze Jill and Mark. "We woulda won had it not been for all the moonshine."
Honorable mention to Jessica and Laura who didn't stop playing until 11 o'clock Sunday night.

In a suprising turn of events, Big Billy Bingo organizer Dean came in dead last. When asked to what he attributed his poor performance Dean responded, "I knew my team was in trouble when I had a freaky dream about Uncle Jesse from Full House last night. I always suspected he was into that shit."
Pictures from Big Billy Bingo are on the website

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Maifest is this weekend, and therefore.....

BIG BILLY BINGO is this weekend.

What in the hell is Big Billy Bingo? you ask.

Well I'm glad you asked.

Anyone who has ever been to Maifest, Oktoberfest or Goettafest in Covington knows that it is the one of the greatest concentrations of Hillbillys on the planet. In order to honor the Kenfucky in all of us BIG BILLY BINGO has been created.

How do you play Dean?

My goodness, you are full of good questions today.

Here's how it works "Big Billy Bingo" is a scavenger hunt using digital cameras and bingo cards. I have created bingo cards with pictures of White Trashy things on them. Each team will get a different card and has to go out onto Mainstrasse and take digital pictures of what is on their card. First team to get a bingo stripe wins. I'm thinking $5 per team member and having 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. 1st place wins 70% of the money 2nd- 20% and 3rd -10% but I'm totally open to suggestions.

You and your team will recieve a bingo card with 25 White Trashy things on it.
There are 65 White Trashy things total. (66 if Pizzas read this and remind of the one from the pub crawl)
Included in the different items for the Bingo Cards are: He-Mullet, She-Mullet, Fanny pack, anything John Deere, anyone shirtless, chain wallet, someone passed out, and many many more.

Now, there are some rules, and if anyone can think of any additional rules that need to be enforced please let me know.

1. If you show up all Billy-ed up intending to use a picture of yourself, you must be in every other picture. Can't dress all billy for a seond and then change into non-billy clothes.

2. All photos for your team have to be on one camera.

3. Photos have to be taken at Maifest.

4. Meet on the back deck of Pachinkos around 7:30 or 8ish. You'll probably be able to fill half your card from that vantage point. I have to work the Reds game at 3:55 that day so I'll be there directly afterwards.

5. You don't have to have a team in order to play.

6. If in the process of taking a picture you get shived, it is worth two spaces.

Since we've never played before, I don't know how long it will take, so we may play multiple games.
Any other questions or suggestions let me know.

Click on Picture Below for Larger Image.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I'm outta shape.

Click on Map for a larger image.

All those months of running has gotten me outta crawling shape. We're about to remedy that this Saturday Night. Crawling up Washington and back down Monmouth and over to the Levee.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again. It's already Thursday and I don't have a deathly illness like January's crawl so I should be a ragin lunatic again.
See ya Saturday.

We are also having back to back C&B Event's a brand new game that is sure to sweep the tri-state area is about to be unveiled very very soon! Get your cameras ready.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter Crawl Jan26 '08

Time to brave the elements just like our forefathers did. Like
George Washington crossing the Potomac 231 years ago, I'm crossing
the Mighty Ohio in a johnboat wearing nothing but my wooden teeth.
January 26th is going to be a momentous occasion that our children's
grandchildren will have no recollection of. However, there are
several C&B'ers celebrating birthdays this week, Chrissy, Chantelle,
Rick's kinda birthday, and Vickie. Whoever the other person was
sorry, but I forgot you.

Here's some other things that happened on Jan 26th that makes me
wanna drink.

1979 Dukes of Hazzard premiered.

1838 Tennessee passed the first prohibition law in the U.S.

1788 The 1st Australian penal colony was established. (Doesn't
make me wanna drink, I just wanted to get the word penal worked into
an email)

1 Head First 7:30 218 W 3rd
2 Plum Street Café 8:00 423 Plum
3 Tina's 8:30 350 W 4th
4 Champs 9:00 151 W 5th
5 Havana Martini 9:30 441 Vine
6 Cadillac Ranch 10:00 41 E 6th
7 Lodge Bar 10:30 35 E 7th
8 Madonna's 11:00 11 E 7th
9 Rockin Robin's 11:30 10 W 7th
10 Sully's 12:00 700 Race
See Ya Saturday, much love,
