Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Downtown, dun nun nunt nun nuh, Downtown.

What happened? Seriously, what happened? Which one of you boozers put the dancin'- roofie in my boozey. Whoever it was, thanks.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I don't even remember some of those pics! What a crazy and wonderful night! Chicken & Booze 4 eva! Holla!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh. Sweet. Booze. Here tis Thursday and I feel no lingering effects of booze. That must mean time for more. I surely will partake of said booze at Vicsaille. And tell that ibex to put up his fucking dukes. I'm going to wail on him/her/it.

Anonymous said...

The ibex has accepted thy challenge. He is looking for his
dukes as I am typing this.
Let the games begin.

Anonymous said...

Yon ibex stands no chance against my hickory stick. Many an endangered species has fallen to its might. Why just last evening I enjoyed a manatee steak with fried titmouse as an appetizer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What is that Farsi?

Anonymous said...

Will my liver be ready for another boozing so soon after the last adventure? Hell yeah! Holla!!

Anonymous said...

Shotgun Boozey sits around in his underwear, Bitin on a bottle, pullin out all of his hair.

Anonymous said...

Can the C & B Board Members look into funding babysitting services for the next Booze?? How can we be loyal by going to every Booze and still see that our wee ones get quality care?? Please help Baord Members--It just wouldn't look good if we bring our kids to the next Booze!!!

Anonymous said...

I propose Vic should host another boozing. There must be leftover booze from that thing. It would be a shame to waste booze. In fact it is a felony to waste booze. And I WILL report you. The residents of Mt Lookout had better ,hmm whats a good choice of words here, use their visual prowess to be aware of the surroundings when all those boozers show up.

Anonymous said...

I second that suggestion....Vic should have another all the all the time!

Anonymous said...

How can Eddie Murphy go from leather jumpsuit and party all the time to a fat suit and Hercules! Hercules!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am having a fatty booze at this very moment and it is a kind and gentle booze.

Anonymous said...

Holy driving this Booze, Batman. Are we all cabbing it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shall we all make this boozing the greatest ever by acting completely afool? Let the crazy asses hold nothing back! Holla if ya hear me!

Anonymous said...

Boozie Booze Booze Booze

Anonymous said...

How many boozes could a drunken boozer booze if a boozer could booze good. He would booze as many boozes as a boozer could booze if the boozer was truly good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A truly good boozer could drink at least one more than all the other boozers at the end of the night. A truly good boozer would by more than one booze when last call is yelled.

Anonymous said...

Booze? The countdown is on...less than 48 sweet hours til the madness begins!!

Anonymous said...

Madness ensues!

Anonymous said...

Tis the eve of the booze. Tonight many of yon boozers will have visions of booze dancing in their heads. Some will have boozes in their lovable lushy hands. No matter which, a great boozining shall take place. Hail booze.

Anonymous said...

All hail Booze!

Anonymous said...

Didja see the Sixth Sense kid got busted for pot and booze? "I drink booze people" Guess he wasnt paying it forward lately.

Anonymous said...

In his '95 Saturn.

Anonymous said...

27 sweet hours and counting til the boozing begins!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone want to bag booze and go see Anna Nalick? She will be playing tommorrow night singing 'Three AM' and other modern classics. Musical enrichment can preserve your brain instead of pickling it.